Here is another stray block from a mixed bunch of type I have. The typeface is a condensed antique, which I’m quite fond of. There’s a good amount of thick and thin in the face of the letter, which I find really interesting in a slab serif. The leg of this R is really wonderful, I love how it comes out of the bowl and fattens up to the weight with the main vertical stroke, then kicks out so sassily at the end. It would be hard for me to identify the exact variation of Antique Condensed this is without more letterforms that match it.
I am a sucker for red wood type, and this block still has a faint red glow to it. It’s unique in that even though it’s red you can still see the end grain on the face. There is a very obvious router mark between the vertical stroke and the leg.
Style: Unknown Antique Condensed
Style first appeared: 1838
Size: 15 pica
Manufacturer: Unknown
Manufacturing Method: Pantograph
Is it part of a complete set? No