Here is a brand new typeface on this wonderful Friday! Clarendon typefaces like these work so well as movable type, I was thrilled to be able to get this typeface at this size. This is a bold clarendon face, and has a shorter serif height than most of the clarendons I’ve seen. It’s more like a condensed columbian, or a more modern clarendon. There isn’t a manufacturers stamp, despite the fact that I have 3 A’s. There is a lot of weight contrast in this A, which is also a little odd, if you look at the clarendons on the Rob Roy Kelly Collection’s site.
This block is dusty and grimy from being in storage, and it’s got some scratches, but it’s still beautiful. The wood grain is magnificent, a rich orangish color. It’s always a treat to have blocks this large that are cut end grain. I am very eager to print this block and see which scratches show.
Style: Clarendon Condensed Bold
Style first appeared: Late 1800’s
Size: 24 line
Manufacturer: Unknown
Manufacturing Method: Pantograph
Is it part of a complete set? Not yet