This N belongs with the smaller subset of the rounded sans serif blocks I got this past summer. I love how meaty this letter is! The letterform is so simple, but I haven’t seen many that match it. I assume this letter and the others in the group were based off some specimen that I’ve yet to run across in my searches. Another possibility is that it was a variant of the modern sans serif style. I suspect that these blocks might have been made by hand, you can see some imperfections on the vertices.
I gently cleaned this block, and the ink came off in a few concentrated areas, which I found interesting, so I left it at that. You can see where some of the nicks from the block appear in the print above. There are few things more satisfying to me than a good print of a meaty letterform.
Style: Modified Airport Tourist
Style first appeared: 1932
Size: 24 pica
Manufacturer: Unknown
Manufacturing Method: Unknown
Is it part of a complete set? No